Color anthologies- mapping color
"there are two kind of people in the world says Sand- those who dream of building a palace and those who dream of building a thatched hut who dream the small in great detail in every leaf that overhangs in every shadow every leaf the tiny writing that dreams alone. - George Sand
A narrative unfolds based on observed green over time. The process of walking, green evolves, shifting invariably, green goes beyond green. Color narrates its way. Its vast vocabulary. An inner reality showing the depths of abstraction. Tangible landscapes of emotions, anchoring a beingness in color through time and space. My interest is to create a dialog with color through nature, how to wander in nature while engaging in a transformative undertaking.
A new narrative unfolds based on observing, feeling and sensing of the color blue. Turning to blue, I return to the sea. Just like the forest, a sense of intimacy exists and a passionate awareness develops.Breathing and tuning into the colors, a new way of speaking out loud. The colorful, mysteriousness of nature with its secrets whisper to me my nostalgic, acute longing for nature to just stay way it is forever. stopping time. color and nature are not fixed, stable or absolute, but are a transforming space and an idea that is ever changing.
Like a rhythm, wandering and connecting to the presence of color, a dwelling space exists, acknowledging the personal and intimate. As I paint, I feel. My feeling wanders along the sea, both outside and inside. The sea is breathing.
"Colors present themselves in continuous flux, constantly related to changing neighbors and changing conditions."- Albers
Just like the waves and currents constantly adjusting, changing to different weather conditions, slight variations in color, nuances and complexities. Color becoming a visible layer of skin and penetrating body as I paint, opening into the unknown. The body may disappear, it becomes invisible to the eye, a kind of circling around a sensitivity of the fragile, the fleeting, and the shapeless exists through color. A transformation of space exists within a sensorial landscape, and a sensorial engagement.
John Cage stated " there is no such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot."